[Photo] Negative feedback amplifier

Negative feedback amplifier
1. Positive feedback and negative feedback
Sending some quantity from the output of the amplifier back to the input is called feedback. If the phase of the feedback is the same as the input, and the increase in the amplification factor after the feedback is added is called positive feedback; if the phase of the feedback is opposite to the input, the feedback is used to oscillate the circuit, and the negative feedback is used to improve the performance of the amplifier .
2. Feedback method and feedback effect
The feedback effect is closely related to the nature and method of the feedback quantity. If the negative feedback quantity is proportional to the output voltage, the feedback effect can stabilize the output voltage and the output resistance is reduced, which is called voltage negative feedback; if the negative feedback quantity is related to the output The current is proportional to its feedback effect, which can stabilize the output current and increase the output resistance, which is called current feedback.
According to the access form of the feedback at the input, it is divided into series feedback and parallel feedback. The feedback quantity of series feedback is connected in series to the input loop in series, and the feedback quantity of parallel feedback is connected in parallel to the input loop in parallel. The negative feedback in series can increase the input resistance, while the negative feedback in parallel reduces the input resistance.
Third, the judgment method of feedback
The positive or negative feedback is judged by the instantaneous polarity method. First, assume that the input signal has a certain instantaneous polarity, and then push out the instantaneous polarity of each input and output step by step according to the principle of the input and output of the single-stage common-emitter amplifier. The polarity of the feedback quantity fed back to the input terminal is the assumed polarity of the original input signal: if both polarities are the same, it is positive feedback, and if the polarities are opposite, it is negative feedback.
Whether the voltage feedback or the current feedback is determined by the imaginary output AC short-circuit method. After short-circuiting the effective current at the output, if the feedback value disappears, it is voltage feedback, if there is still a feedback amount, it is current feedback,
Whether the series feedback or the parallel feedback examines the connection mode of the input loop to judge. If the feedback amount and the input signal are added by voltage, it is series feedback, and if it is added by current, it is parallel feedback.
The four forms of negative feedback circuits are listed in Table 1, and their related calculation formulas are listed in Table 2.
Table 1. Three forms of feedback
Current parallel negative feedback
Voltage parallel negative feedback
Current series negative feedback
Suppose the input current Ii points to node B to increase, the feedback current is If, the feedback process: If ↑ → Uc1 ↓ → Uf ↓ → If ↓, because Ib and If are inverse phase, it is negative feedback. If the output terminal is short-circuited, the feedback quantity Uf still exists, so it belongs to current negative feedback, and because the feedback quantity If is connected in parallel to the input terminal, it belongs to current parallel negative feedback. Suppose the input current Ii points to node b as an increase, and the current fed If feedback process Ii ↑ → Uc ↓ → If ↓ (departs from node b) because Ib is opposite to If, it is negative feedback. If the output is short-circuited, If = 0 So it belongs to feedback; in addition, the feedback is connected to the input in parallel, so it belongs to voltage parallel negative feedback Suppose the input voltage polarity is Ui ↑ and the feedback amount is Uf. The feedback process: Ui ↑ → Ie ↑ → Uf ↑ If the input loop direction is used as the reference direction, Ui and Uf have opposite polarities, so it is negative feedback. Because Ui and Uf are connected in series. So it belongs to series negative feedback. If the output terminal is short-circuited, Uf still exists, it belongs to current negative feedback
Reduce input resistance, stabilize output current, increase output resistance Reduce input resistance, stabilize output voltage, reduce output resistance Increase input resistance to stabilize output current Increase output resistance
Table 2. Parameter calculation of four forms of negative feedback
Negative voltage feedback
Negative current feedback
in parallel
in parallel
Kuu = Uo / Ube
Fuu = U f / UO = Re l / (R el + R f )
r if = (1 + Kuu + Fuu) ri
r of = ro / (1 + KuuoF)
Kui = Uo / I b
Fiu = I f / Uo =-(1) / R f
r if = ri / (1 + KuiFiu)
r of = ro / 1 + KuioFiu

K iu = Uo / U be
F ui = (U f / Io) =-R f
r if = (1 + KiuFui) ri
r of = (1 + KiuoFui) ro

K ii = Io / I b
F ii = (I f / I e2 ) = R e2 / / Re 2 + R f )
r if = ri / (1 + K ii F ii )
r of = (1 + K ii oF ii ) ro
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