US solar project will be the first to settle in Sanya

A few days ago, the US Silicon Valley Solar Energy Project and Sanya signed an intentional cooperation agreement to prepare for the creative new city in Sanya. This means that the investment in Sanya solar project has made some progress.

In recent years, the proposal to build Sanya into a solar energy capital has received much attention from relevant government departments. Solar energy is a kind of renewable energy. It has the characteristics of wide-ranging, safety and long-lasting. It does not need to be transported, and it is an inexhaustible clean and environmentally friendly energy source. Sanya is located at 18 degrees north latitude, with an average annual sunshine of more than 2,600 hours, which provides favorable conditions for Sanya to build a solar city.

Yankee is expected to settle in Sanya

Coke Solar Power Technology is a new type of solar focusing thermal power generation and heat generation technology. Its modular tower focusing system has the greatest advantages of low manufacturing cost and relatively high conversion efficiency. The products can be widely used to replace traditional energy sources. field. The company will further develop its unique and innovative technology, develop a series of strategic brand products, and install equipment for supplying and maintaining solar thermal power generation systems through partnerships with other domestic and international companies. The total investment of this project is 26 million yuan, and the output value can be realized after one year. The annual net interest rate is about 10 million yuan.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Science and Technology Commission believes that this project, as the world's leading solar energy R&D and production demonstration project, can not only introduce an excellent entrepreneurial team composed of senior R&D and management talents at home and abroad for the creative park, but also drive the solar energy industry. The development of Sanya and the gradual formation of the solar energy industry chain will play a certain role in demonstration and promotion.

It is understood that the current solar energy projects with Sanya include the United States Yasheng Solar Technology Company, Taiwan Green Energy Company, Taiwan Asia Sun Technology Co., Ltd., etc., but the Silicon Solar Project will be the first project that is expected to settle in Sanya.

Solar industry Sanya has great potential

In August 2008, the International Forum on Solar Thermal Power Technology was held in Sanya. More than 120 experts, scholars, business representatives, investors and government officials from government departments, investment companies and research institutes, enterprises and institutions from China, Spain, the United States, Australia, South Korea, Italy and Taiwan have participated in this Secondary forum. It was confirmed at the meeting that the forum will be permanently settled in Sanya.

At the end of last year, the “Sanya Technology and Creative Industry Development Strategic Plan” passed the assessment, and the four major industries such as thin-film solar energy in new energy were cultivated as key industries in Sanya. The first phase of the plan is 2009-2010. The plan predicts that by the end of 2010, Sanya will strive to produce 50 megawatts of thin film solar cells with an annual output value of 1.5 billion yuan. The second phase of the plan is 2011-2012. Sanya will initially realize the accumulation of thin-film solar energy industry. The annual output of thin-film solar cells will be 100 MW, and the output value will reach 5 billion yuan. The third phase of the plan is 2013-2015, the thin film solar industry is agglomerated, and the annual production capacity of thin film solar cells is 300 megawatts, with an annual output value of 12 billion yuan.

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